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International Training Programme Projects (ITP) 2022




Maximum duration of 3 years



With the change of the seasons, we are excited to launch a new ITP Call.  

With an ITP project, training courses can be organised for professionals from civil society, private or public sector and/or academics, scientists, and researchers at higher education institutions.

These trainings are short- to medium-term, intensive, interactive and practice-oriented. They are distinguished by topic, dealing with sustainable development, transversal skills for Higher Education (HE) management, transversal or priority themes (e.g. gender, sustainable development, human rights, digital 4 development, decent work, etc).


To better adapt to the needs of our partners, and to fit ITP in the new Five Year Programme 2022-2027, we changed some aspects of the ITP format. Discover below how this affects your project proposal.

ITPs have now become projects, which means they now follow a project logic with a focus on capacity building by funding short-term training. A new feature is that activities in preparation of, during, and in the follow-up of the training can be funded as well. 

Furthermore, there is no fixed format anymore as to where and how to organise the training: ITPs can either be organised at a Flemish higher education institution, or in one of the 17 partner countries. Either online, in person, or with a hybrid format.

What’s more, several editions of training modules can be implemented during a project implementation period of 3 years maximum, benefitting at least 8 scholars

The ITP project logic accommodates a maximum requestable budget of EUR 150,000, combining the training and scholars’ costs.

Need inspiration? 

We asked our partners to provide ITP ideas. This way, an ITP can collaborate with the respective partner and be an additional valuable partner. These are some examples: 

  • E-learning for entrepreneurial organisations in the global south

    Topic: e-learning
    JSF: Trias vzw

    Description: Trias supports entrepreneurial organisations in the global south. E-learning is part of the activities, though its still in an early stage in which we have developed an entrepreneurial skills trainings for small-scale farmers, currently used in Uganda.
    Further ideas on developing more e-learning modules include: leadership modules, entrepreneurial competencies trainings (using a tool named Cefe). These are all existing trainings that we want to digitalise, to ensure continuation of trainings, in case of for example pandemics like Covid-19.

    Target group: Small scale entrepreneurs and leaders of member-based organisations in the global south (supported by Trias)

    Contact: Rogier Huijmans, rogier.huijmans@trias.be

  • Molecular Sequencing: Fighting Malaria Across Borders

    Topic: Mobilise young academics: transversal skill development through practice orientated midterm courses
    JSF: Institute of Tropical Medicine

    Description: Together with our collaborating partners, we wish to implement molecular surveillance tools for P. falciparum and P. vivax in National Malaria Control Programs that aim for the eradication of disease. Through training in laboratory- and bioinformatic skills, students and young scientist become familiar with molecular surveillance as a crucial activity to monitor transmission routes, sources of epidemics and the emergence and spread of drug resistant mutations. It would include courses at ITM and implementation in their country of origin, enabling a true exchange of knowledge from which both partners can learn.

    Target Group: Young academics from malaria-endemic regions, to improve multilateral cooperation and capacity building between- and within the regions (Sub-Sahara and Central Africa; Latin-America; South East-Asia)

    Contact: Mathijs Mutsaers, mmutsaers@itg.be 

  • Digitizing civil society programs in the Philippines

    Topic: Digital 4 development
    JSF: Solidagro & Viva Salud

    Description:Digitizing of program management is still a weakness and a challenge for Philippine partners. There is a need to have additional skills and knowledge, for example on data collection, collation, data banking, and analysis for project monitoring. Improvements on this weakness will also benefit the documentation and best practices developed in the project areas. A well developed and implemented ITP project can be helpful in tackling this challenge.

    Target group: Staff of NGO partners in the Philippines. Partners of other Belgian NGOs can be invited to join as well.

    Contact: Pascal Van Driessche, pascal.vandriessche@solidagro.be 


To make it easier for all parties involved to find the information you need, we have bundled the most necessary information and formulated it in the form of questions.

If the question you have is not answered below, you can always consult the comprehensive ITP Call document. Of course, the VLIR-UOS team is there for you if you have additional questions.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us by email: ise.desmet@vliruos.be

Happy writing!

How does International Training Project (ITP) work?

International Training Project (ITP) are projects that focus on short- to medium-term, intensive, interactive and practice-oriented training courses for professionals. They are distinguished by topic, dealing with sustainable development, transversal skills for Higher Education (HE) management, transversal or priority themes (e.g. gender, sustainable development, human rights, digital 4 development, decent work, etc.).

ITP projects systematically integrate global perspectives to create a supportive, inclusive and networked learning environment in which professionals acquire transversal skills and state-of-the-art knowledge on sustainable development. This enables them to become experts and critical global citizens who are motivated to act as change agents in their network.

There are two types of programmes possible in this ITP 2022 Call. Firstly, ITP facilitates academic training programmes, dealing with topics related to sustainable development challenges/ Agenda 2030/ transversal or priority themes, directed towards professionals from civil society, private or public sector. Secondly, ITP can also be used to organise transversal organisational capacity building training programmes, oriented towards professionals of HEI (digitisation in higher education, change management, scientific writing, QA, how to set up an international relations office, tech transfer, etc.).

Who can apply for an International Training Project (ITP)?

An application for ITP involves both a Flemish and a local promoter, but it is the Flemish promoter who submits the application. To apply for this Call, the Flemish promotor has to be employed as a professor, lecturer, or specialist at a Flemish university or university of applied science & arts.

In case there is a partner promoter, they need to be employed at a recognised higher education institution or national public (not for profit) research institute located in one of the 17 VLIR-UOS project partner countries.

It is important to note that for this call, an applicant (Flemish/local) can only submit 1 project proposal.

What is the timing for this International Training Project (ITP) Call?

The launch date for this call is 28 March 2022. On March 30th, we are organizing an information session to address possible questions regarding the project submission.

The deadline to submit your ITP project proposal is on 4 July 2022. The decision on whether your proposal is accepted or not is expected to arrive near the end of September 2022. Selected projects will be able to start as of 1 January 2023.

Which partner countries are eligible?

In case the ITP includes a partnership with a partner institution, this higher education or science institution should be located in one of our 17 project partner countries: Benin, Bolivia, Burundi, Cuba, DR Congo, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Morocco, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam

What are the budget and financial guidelines?

The maximum project budget you can receive through the ITP programme is EUR 150.000. This budget is to be spent over a period of a maximum of 3 years, allowing multiple training modules to be organised. Each edition should include a minimum of 8 scholarships.

The total budget made available by VLIR-UOS for the ITP Call 2023 can facilitate approximately 11 projects. Keep this in mind, as it gives an indication of your chances of success in submitting a proposal.

How to submit a proposal?

An application involves a Flemish promoter. The Flemish promoter submits the application to the Institutional Coordinators for Development Cooperation (ICOS) of the Flemish university (association) for quality control. The ICOS will validate and submit to VLIR-UOS. Project applications are submitted online. If you already have access to the online tool, you can click this link.

Please keep in mind the submission deadline for this call: 4 July 2022.

How does the assessment procedure work?

All project proposals will be assessed and selected by the VLIR-UOS Selection Commission for ICP Connect/ITP, based on four standard selection criteria: Relevance and coherence of the project; Quality of the project design; Implementation set-up of the project; Potential impact and sustainability.

Did you miss the information session or do you need details on the call? Check it here.

Did you miss the information session or do you want to check certain details on the call?

Watch the video of the info session here.
You can also find the link to the presentation here.

Info session ITP - Format & Guidelines




Information session International Training Project (ITP) Call 2023